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Photo: Enigma sports

"God answers my prayers everywhere except on the golf-course."

Billy Graham


Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27

Early in 2012 the manager (head coach) of an English Premier League club apologized because his conduct in a particular situation he had been involved in had not been appropriate. He had damaged the reputation of a great football club. It was a very humble – yet in the opinion of many –a necessary action.

If a manager of a mere football club has to worry about the reputation of his club, how much more do we as servants of Jesus Christ, have to worry about conducting ourselves in a way that is worthy of Jesus.

It is said that a lot more people “read” the lives of Christians than read the Bible. What will they see when they look at us? We need to remember that we represent Jesus Christ in the world of sport. In the UK, it is often the case that a team mate is the first real Christian that someone may meet. What a responsibility! We have to be the same but different!

We need to be the same in the sense that we need to fit in to the sports culture. It is OK to want to win and be competitive. If we are not, we won’t fit in.

At the same time we need to stand for integrity within the team and club. We will not lie to help the club. We will be honest at all times. We will respect team mates, officials and the opposition. We will not seek to gain any unfair advantage. We will not try to bully the officials.

At times we will seem to be walking a tight rope. W may struggle to be competitive but, at the same time, honest. But did anyone ever say that it was going to be easy?

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