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"God answers my prayers everywhere except on the golf-course."

Billy Graham


Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27

Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that being a Christian is just about believing. We believe in Jesus, that makes us Christians, end of story.

That is true but Paul would say it is only the beginning. Paul starts Philippians chapter 2 with a “therefore” (Similarly Romans 12:1). What Paul is saying is: it is great that you believe but what I am more interested in is how it affects you life.

If you really believe the gospel of Christ, Paul says, it will affect the way you live. You will live by Christ’s values and standards. You cannot excuse yourself with an “everyone does that”.

Paul knew it wasn’t easy – think how he constantly came into conflict with authorities – that is why at the end of verse 27 he says: “stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel”. We are to stand firm in the midst of the pressures. We are to strive to fight, not to give up.

Just to make this very practical, I have two friends, in different countries, who have given up their jobs in sport because they were asked to do things they felt were wrong. Both of them suffered significant financial losses because they chose to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Paul would commend them and so will the Lord.

Are there areas where you need to take a stand where there will be a price to pay?

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