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“Knowing Christ is the best thing that has ever happened to me, although winning the US Open was a pretty good second.”

Alison Nicholas


For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith… godliness; 2 Peter 1:5-6

Godliness can be translated as “reverence”. Michael Green writes: “true knowledge of God manifests itself in reverence towards him and respect towards people”. There is no hint of religiosity but a practical awareness of God in every aspect of life.

When Peter in Acts told the crowd that the healing of the lame man was not due to his “own power of godliness”, he uses the same word. Also Cornelius, the Roman centurion who believed, is described as godly – referring to his good works. Theology is always practical in the New Testament. It is not enough believe; that belief has to affect how you live. Godliness is an attitude towards God, not just a right belief.

The Old Testament people feared God. They believed that if they saw God they would die. As Christians, rightly we see Jesus as our friend. At the same time we need not to lose sight of the holiness of God and become too familiar.

We are to seek to be godly because of our love for God. That godliness involves personal devotion to God. As the old song says, “Take time to be holy”. It also affects our sexual ethics. It affects how we treat others – loving our neighbour as ourselves. Putting others first, taking time to encourage the struggling team-mate, to console the disappointed opponent, thanking the officials are all godly acts.

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