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Photo: Enigma Sport

"there has only ever been one perfect man, the Lord Jesus, and we killed him. I only missed a putt."

Berhard Langer on the 1991 Ryder Cup

Seasoned with salt

Let your conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt. Colossians 4:6

Charlie Moule suggests that this verse means that we should season our conversation with helpful words as one seasons food with salt. The idea that our conversation should always be “full of grace” is an immense challenge to us. But then, who ever said that following Jesus would be easy?

May I suggest three ways in which our attitude today can be “full of grace”?
1 Always look for the positives in people and situations;
2 Be an encourager not a moaner.
3 Say “thank you” to people you encounter throughout the day

I have used this illustration before but I know an athlete who consciously tries to smile after every race – whatever the outcome – to express her thanks to God for the privilege of being an athlete.

This is a short devotion this week. Let me know when you have mastered it and I will send you a longer one!

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