"there has only ever been one perfect man, the Lord Jesus, and we killed him. I only missed a putt."
And be thankful. Colossians 3:15In the midst of Paul’s account of the theological benefits of Christ’s death for us and his presence with us and the challenge to put aside our old life to give a new life in Christ, it is easy to miss those three words. “And be thankful”.
This involves not just expressing our thanks to God in prayer but seeking to live our whole life in a spirit of thankfulness.
Here are three suggestions of areas of our lives in which we should be thankful.
1 What God has done for us.
As we think of how much God loves us and how Jesus died for us, how can we not be thankful?
The Psalms speak of giving thanks to God for his unfailing love (Psalm 107:8) which was expressed in the death of Jesus for us.
2 Other people
Paul constantly thanks God for the faith of other people, for example in Philippians 1:3 “I thank my God every time I remember you”. Think of people who are special to you and thank God for them.
3 Sport
Many of us feel blessed and privileged to be able to be involved in sport. Some of us even get paid to do it instead of having to have a “proper” job! Let us be thankful. It is much easier to be thankful for a win than a defeat. Elsewhere Paul writes “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). You often hear athletes thanking God for a victory; rarely do people publicly thank God for a defeat. Perhaps we should.
Have a great day and oh, be thankful