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"Football is not a matter of life and death, it is more important than that."

Bill Shankly, Liverpool Football manager


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Cambridge Movement
A Cambridge Movement, JC Pollock, London, John Murray, 1953.

The Cambridge Seven
The Cambridge Seven, JC Pollock, Inter Varsity, London, 1955 No ISBN (112 pages in 6 chapters plus a prologue and epilogue).

Cricket and England
Cricket and England [1919-1939], Jack Williams, Frank Cass, London 1999. ISBN:0-7146-4418-8

A "favourit" game
A "favourit" game: cricket in South Wales before 1914, University of Wales, 1992 Andrew Hignell ISBN 708311903

Fields of Praise
David Smith and Gareth Williams, Fields of Praise : the official history of the Welsh Rugby Union 1881-1981: University of Wales Press, Cardiff 1980 ISBN 0708307663

Muscular Christianity: Manhood and Sports in Protestant America
1880-1920 Clifford Putney, Harvard University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-674-00634-8

Thank God for Football!
By Peter Lupson, Azure (SPCK), 2006 ISBN 13:978-1-902694-30-9

The Life of Henry Drummond
The Life of Henry Drummond, George Adam Smith, Hodder, 1902

Almond of Loretto
Almond of Loretto, Robert Jameson Mackenzie, 1906

George Williams and the YMCA
George Williams and the YMCA. A study in Victorian social attitudes, Clive Binfield, London: Heinemann, 1973

Popular Culture and Class Conflict, 1590-1914,
Popular Culture and Class Conflict, 1590-1914, E and S Yeo ed, 1981. Anthony Delves: Popular recreation and social confict in Derby, 1800-50

Popular Belief and Practice,
Popular Belief and Practice, Studies in Church History Vol 8, G J Cuming and D Baker, eds (Cambridge: CUP, 1972),. S Mews 'Puritanicalism, Sport and Race: A Symbolic Crusade of 1911' pp. 303-31

Playing with God
Playing with God, William J Baker, Harvard University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-674-02421-2

Thank God for Football, The Illustrated Companion
Peter Lupson, Azure, SPCK, London, 2010-12-16 ISBN 978-0-281-06368-7

The Inspirational William McGregor
The Inspirational William McGregor, Peter Lupson and John Lerwill, Birmingham, A & J L Solutions, 2011

The Problem of Pleasure
The Problem of Pleasure: Sport, Recreation and the Crisis of Victorian Religion, Dominic Erdozain, Boydell Press, 2010.

Religion and the rise of sport in England
Hugh Mcleod, OUP, 2022 . ISBN 9780192859983

Passion Plays
Randall Balmer, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 2022. ISBN 9781469670065

Manly and Muscular Diversions
Tony Money, Gerald Duckworth, 2001

Religion and sport in North America
Edited by Jeffery Scholes and Randall Balmer, Routledge, 2023

Cricket and the Victorians
Keith Sandiford, Routledge, 1994

Recollections and reminiscences
Lord Hawke, London, Williams and Norgate 1924

Primitive Methodist confrontation with popular sports
Sport, Money, Morality and the Media

The God squad
Matt Sieger, Alive Book Publishing, 2023 ISBN 978-1-63132-207-5

John Charles Ryle
Marcus L Loane, London James Charles, 1983

Great men
TS Wright London: The Epworth Press, 1951

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