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A team in Togo with their first kit

"It matters a great deal who is going to win, but not at all who won"

Willie John McBride, Irish Rugby player

Football Kit

Over the past few years the FA have supplied Verite Sport with football kit. While the kit is surplus to requirements in the UK it is literally a Godsend to the recipients around the work. Football teams in Togo, Mozambique, Ukraine, Niger, Benin and Indonesia are among those who have so far benefitted from the scheme. Stuart once attended a game in Togo where one team played in England white kit and the other in England red.

A example of the kit received this year

This year Verite Sport was delighted to accept another consignment of kit for distribution worldwide.

This used to be a garage before 50 boxes of kit arrived.

FA jackets are always very popular

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