"It matters a great deal who is going to win, but not at all who won"
Without sin
The Champions' League quarter-final between Valencia and Inter Milan ended in a fight involving several players. It did no credit to anyone involved. Some players face a lengthy ban. They cannot say that it is not a deserved punishment.
As we think about the incident, we do well to avoid becoming self-righteous. When the Pharisees brought the adulteress to Jesus demanding that she be stoned as the law of Moses demanded, Jesus did not disagree but added the rider, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."(John 8:7).
Remember too that Jesus was as quick to condemn anger in the heart as the actions arising from the anger. He also condemned the lust in the heart as much as the adultery that it can lead to (Matthew 5:21-30).
So as we reflect on incidents that bring shame on the sports that we love, let us remember that our own hearts are not without sin.
Spring 2007